- Go over article and blog post notes. Easy, peasy.
- Compose next draft of articles and blog posts. Not bad, needs work.
- Post articles and blog posts. Formatting blahs.
- Develop some more ideas. Some promising, some so-so.
- Check email. Read little, delete less.
- Hound unemployment office to see if I can take a business workshop. Line busy. Surprise.
- Entrecard explorations and blog submissions. My old social network, revisited.
- Tidy up primary blog. Delet-o-rama.
- Check markets. Love the new birthday present, Writer's Market online. Not loving its organization.
- Compose draft of article for market. Pretty near done.
- Hand-fed chickens. A new form of stress relief.
- Hound unemployment office to see if I can take a business workshop. Line busy. Surprise, surprise.
- Check snail mail. No acceptances there, but dogs happy.
- Exercise brain through Wii game. Brain lost weight; sad.
- Hound unemployment office to see if I can take a business workshop. OMG, a twenty-five minute yes.
- Sent application for workshop. Crossing fingers and toes it's not too late. Getting hard to type.
- Headache relief. Exploding zombies' heads.
- Check email. Acceptance, yah!
- Walk dogs. Headache.
- Check writing forums. Headache.
- Check blog-o-sphere. Headache.
- Headache. Headache. Headache.
- Wrote this post. Headache.
Besides a recurring theme of mold allegy-induced headaches, today was a fairly frustrating day. I am beginning to sense I am blahville once I cross the magic line from AM to PM. That wouldn't be so bad if I'd wake up before mid-morn. Something else I sense I must work on. Hmmm.........
Anyway, all you freelancers out there, how did your day go? Less moldering than mine, I hope.
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